How would you like your dental visit to be the most RELAXING hour of your week?

So, what is this, you ask? NuCalm is a patented all-natural stress management technology proven to effectively "flip the switch" on stress and create a deep relaxation by mimicking patterns your brain recognizes to help relax you in preparation for sleep. When you are in this deep relaxation state, your body can heal, rejuvenate and recover.
The technology works naturally with two channels of communication within your body- biochemical and electrical. Within several minutes, you will begin to draw deeper breaths, as you feel gravity pulling you deep into the chair and pillow and your mind will begin to drift. You may feel some neuromuscular releases or twitching where you have built up lactic acid. You will soon find yourself in that deeply relaxed state that you experience just before falling asleep. This is the exact stage in which you will remain throughout your experience. Your mind will wander as your body idles in this optimal healing state. It has been shown that 45 minutes of NuCalm is equal to 2 hours of deep restorative, healing sleep. The immediate health benefits include:
- Lowered stress (cortisol production)
- Improved sleep quality
- Improved immune system, heart health, and respiratory health
- Improved attention and memory
- Normalized circadian rhythms
- Enhanced creativity and focus
NuCalm is being used around the world by airline personnel to combat jetlag, by professional and world class athletes for increased performance, in the clinical treatment of severe anxiety disorders (such as PTSD), psychotherapy, addiction, oncology and more.
NuCalm can be used during any of your dental appointments at East Berlin Smiles. Ask us about it at your next visit!
NuCalm can be used during any of your dental appointments at East Berlin Smiles. Ask us about it at your next visit!