Wednesday, April 13, 2016

How to Choose your Provider: Does Laser VS Scissors Matter?

Dr. Bobby Ghaheri is an ENT surgeon, who has a clinical interest in helping babies with breastfeeding difficulites. Dr. Ghaheri has written many wonderful articles disucssing tongue-tie, tongue-tie & breastfeeding and tongue-tie laser surger. To learn more about Dr. Ghaheri, please visit his website  

Dr. Ghaheri has written an excellent article titled "How to Choose your Provider: Does Laser VS Scissors Matter?"

 Families frequently ask me whether they should go to a particular tongue tie provider because they use a laser for their procedures. I always respond that the tool that the provider is using for the procedureis far less important than their skill and understanding of how tongue tie affects breastfeeding. Anyone can buy a laser, so that cannot be the deciding factor for how a doctor or dentist should be chosen.

This post will serve to answer two major questions. I will show you the questions you should ask before a potential procedure in addition to the advantages and disadvantages of using laser vs scissors.

How can a family know whether or not a provider will do a complete job when treating tongue tie? This isn't an easy question to answer, but there are certain
questions you should ask if you're unsure of their expertise:

  • How many tongue tie procedures do you perform per month? There isn't a magic number that is necessary. This is more for you as parents to gauge whether a provider embraces the concept that tongue tie affects breastfeeding or not. If the answer is "1 or 2" vs "10 or 20", that tells you something.

To read the above article follow this link to Dr. Ghaheri's website.
To read other articles written by Dr. Ghaheri please visit his website

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