- Poor or unsustainable latch
- Clicking noises with baby repeatedly "clicking off" the breast while feeding
- Exhaustion and falling asleep at the breast before full
- Frequent coughing or choking on milk
- Gasping for air mid-feed
- Frequent release and re-latch
- Unsatisfied after prolonged feeds
- Poor weight gain/failure to thrive
- Gas/reflux/colic/hiccups due to swallowing of air
- Frequent and prolonged nursing sessions
- Fussing, fighting, or crying or seeming frustrated during feeding sessions
- Lip blisters
- Milk leaking from the corners of the mouth during feeding
- Gumming and chewing on the nipple
- Unable to open wide to latch
Some symptoms for breastfeeding mothers include the following:
- Severe pain during breastfeeding
- Poor or incomplete milk transfer (breasts don't feel emptied after feedings)
- Undersupply or oversupply
- Mastitis and/or thrush
- Cracked, sore, or damaged nipples
Tel: 717-259-9596
418 West King Street
East Berlin, PA 17316